Arky Lyngdoh

How to make the mute feature better

Some social media platforms have a feature to filter out posts that contain certain keywords. Here are some of the various realistic and unrealistic ways I think they can improve it:

An option to mute not just a specific word but words directly related to it.

"Sports" will mute posts containing "Football", "Tennis", etc.

When we enable this option it will show all the words that will be included and we can remove what we don't want to mute or alternatively it will show the related words and we can select what we want to mute.

Mute profiles with words

An option to filter out posts from profiles with certain keywords in their names and bios.

"crypto" will mute posts from people with "crypto" in their names and bios.

They can limit the number of filters we can set up with this option.

Exclude accounts from a filter

An option to add accounts as exceptions to a filter.

Mute "Ariana", "Taylor" and add official accounts of Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift as exceptions so that their posts with the muted keywords won't be filtered.

This is great for people who are fans of these artists but don't want to see any toxic stan posts and be pulled into stan wars.

Filters for only specific accounts

An option to select only specific accounts that will be affected by a keyword(s) mute

Mute "football" for CNN, BBC
Will filter out posts from those accounts containing "football"

Whitelist posts with keywords

An option to whitelist instead of blacklist posts with certain words. Alternative implementation : the whitelisted words will be used to prioritise posts with these keywords to your feed instead of blocking posts that don't have those words.

An option to not only filter posts but also prevent the trending page from showing words and hashtags with the filtered keywords.

Mute images

An option to mute images too

"bulbasaur" will filter out not just posts but images of this battle salad from your feed.

Wildcards or regex

Some social media platforms already have this feature.

"backr*ms" will mute "backrooms", "backr00ms", "backr_o_o_ms", etc

"*j*l*o" will mute "░J░L░O ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░"

A feature to import and export lists of muted words.

So we can setup the same filters on another alternate account we have or if we have to create a new account.

Use AI to make muting more flexible

Example: Topic based AI powered mute that can be tuned. There is a limited list of topics we can choose to mute and we can describe what specifically we want to mute from the topic.

Topic: Pokemon
Specification:"bug types"
Mutes posts that contain the names of this miserable pokemon type.

Topic: Football
Specification: "player names"
Mutes posts containing football player names.

Topic: News Specification: "Australia", "watermelons from Britain"
Mutes posts from news pages that are about Australia or watermelons from Britain.

This one is a wild suggestion that is probably hard to implement and can cause way too many issues.

Last modified: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
